This group serves the parish by washing and preparing the linens used during Mass. Each week a member of the society gathers the linens, launders and irons them at home, and returns them to the sacristy. If interested in serving in this capacity, please call the parish office to contact Kathy Buehrle.
When there is funeral at the parish, the family is offered a meal in our parish hall or in their home after the funeral so that family and friends can gather together and share this meal. This committee calls parishioners to provide food, and prepares the hall and cleans up after the meal if the meal is held in the hall. If you would like to volunteer with any part of this ministry, please call the parish office to contact Rita Black.
A small group of individuals signs cards and addresses envelopes to send to parishioners to help celebrate their birthdays or express sympathy. Help with this ministry is always welcome. Call the parish office if you would like to get involved.
Both the English and Spanish choirs meet on Wednesday evenings to prepare for weekend Masses, Holy Day Masses, and special events. Rehearsal times are 5:30 p.m. for the Spanish choir and 6:30 p.m. for the English choir. Many voices and musicians are needed. Contact Music Director, Dan Wilkinson, at 270-885-8522 x3104 or at
The garden ministry helps keep the landscaping of our property appealing and well maintained. Those involved have adopted different spots throughout the property and work to maintain those areas. Spots available for adoption are diagramed and labeled, and a chart is available if you wish to adopt an area. Please call the parish office at (270) 885-8522 for more information.
Trainings for all liturgical ministries are provided periodically.
Members of this ministry dust the altar furnishings and replace candles twice a week. This group of volunteers is divided and scheduled periodically. If you would like to join this ministry or gather more information, please call the parish office to contact Ann Williams.
Individuals participating in this ministry make bead rosaries which are sent throughout the United States and the world assisting those in missionary work. Members of this group can choose to meet together on Wednesday mornings, work from home, or both. Materials are provided and training is available. Call the parish office to contact Harriette Hancock for more information.
Members of our parish who are employed by local law enforcement agencies provide security during Mass times when their schedules permit. If you are a local law enforcement officer and would like to assist with this ministry, please call the parish office at (270) 885-8522.
Volunteers who have a working knowledge of Facebook use iPads or laptops to broadcast the Sunday Masses at 10:30 a.m. (English) and 2:00 p.m. (Spanish) on Facebook Live. If you possess this knowledge and would like to get involved in this ministry, call Brenda Choudoin, Parish Office Manager, at (270) 885-8522.
The volunteers in this ministry work closely with prospective bridal families to coordinate the various aspects of the rehearsal and wedding ceremonies. If you would like to participate in this ministry or would like more information, call the parish office to contact Karen Thomas.
Our young adult ministry is an opportunity for adults from ages 20 to 40 to engage in the life of the Church through prayer, fun, learning, and friendship. This group meets monthly.
If you would like more information or are interested in participating, please contact Fr. Chris Kight at (270) 885-8522 or at
Our youth ministry program is for young people in the parish from ages 12 to 18. Through this ministry, we seek to walk with our young parishioners as we help foster their relationships with Jesus Christ through fun, fellowship, and prayer. Youth events typically take place once a month on Sunday evenings. This is not a classroom experience. Youth ministry is separate from Religious Education.
If you need more information, please contact Fr. Chris Kight at (270) 885-8522 or at